> Thanks for the TGY update. English lessons, that is the only
> attitude to have. As for bikes, when I lived in Taiwan, they were also
> the numero uno cause of my broken bones. They sure are fun though.
> Just saw this in the Times and thought, "Just like China!"
> http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/09/wo...0&ei= 5087%0A
> Some people are just scum, and some countries seem to have more of them
> than others.
Stuff like that doesn't happen here AS MUCH but it does happen. Like
when I was in Beijing a few weeks ago, someone tried to charge me 10 or
15 yuan for a bottle of water that should normally go for 1.5 because
I'm a foreigner. What he didn't realize is that I am a foreigner
that's lived in China for a while and can also cuss him out in his own
language for being such an dishonest merchant.
As for cutting the quality of some dishes, I haven't really seen that
as much but the food in most restaurants around here isn't that good to
begin with; so, who knows. I think it's a general trend to try to use
as low quality food stuffs in restaurants as possible in the Guangdong