Ken Knecht wrote:
> I'm hungry for potato pancakes. Haven't made any for years. But I have an
> irrational dislike of grating potatoes. Maybe use a food processor?
> Wonder how they'd taste with instant mashed potoes instead of grated -
> anyone ever try this? Probably not very good.
In my experience, the food processor is way fast and easy to use, but I find I
have to be a bit more vigilant about squeezing out the water. Something about
hand grating leaves me with more liquid in the bowl and easier to squeeze
spuds. I don't know but I like the texture better when I can rinse and squeeze
out a lot of potato liquid.
As for grinding the potatoes, it seems like the wrong texture to me but I've
never tried it. My food processor is always set up and ready to go because I
use it a lot, my meat grinder would need to be set up and personally, my food
processor is faster than my meat grinder (KA food processor vs Meat grinder
attachment for my KA stand mixer).
I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
by your mom's house.