What the Hell Is Up with Arab Restaurants????
Good grief, I ask for "grilled chicken salad" -- just as it says on
their menu -- and them two guys ask me, every time, whether I'd like a
sandwich! Does "salad" mean "in a bread" in Morroco???
And how about this other guy here, Zagat-rated and all: he has no menu,
he cooks whatever he feels like! You just walk in and see what's
cooking that day!
And yet another guy -- he's the boss, but he takes an afternoon nap so
the sous-chef takes over (actually, the short-order cook/all-around
kitchen helper) and makes the same dish differently!
And is it me, or does this stuff taste pretty much like most
Mediterranean fare? Okay, not quite Spanish or French or Italian or
Greek or Turkish...but quite close, quite close!
I love it, though. And the women are hot!