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Grinner Grinner is offline
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Posts: 45
Default Goat meat and Indian "mutton" curry

"Julia Altshuler" > wrote in message
. ..
> Grinner wrote:
> They made it sound like goatmeat
>> was plentiful up there and cheaper too than lamb or mutton.
>> I've never tried it, can't imagine it'd be much different to lamb
>> probably a bit tougher.

> To my taste buds, goat tastes far closer to beef than to lamb. I realize
> the animal's diet can affect its taste, but still, lamb are pork are the
> ones that taste especially different to me. I could still distinguish
> beef from goat, but they're closer.

I have eaten wild pork and was sick for a week, I think it was more cooked
too early than the the pig's fault. my uncle used to catch them but would
grain feed them before slaughtering them, this one may have been just caught
and killed.

I'd like to try all that wild stuff, buffalo and deer (which we have here
too) and I like offal such as lamb's fry, heart and kidney.

Don't mind the odd baked rabbit neither, but now trapping is illegal haven't
had one for years nor ahve I seen them in the butchers' shops.

My father has a few ducks, had a few too many so three or four found their
way to the table, that was a treat - duck l'orange. yummo ! A few of his
noisy roosters made great chicken soup as well, but were too tough to bake.
> As for a recipe, try googling on "roti." It is basically a slow cooked
> stew with onions and curry spices, normally served over rice.
> --Lia