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j*ni p.
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Default wait staff rudeness

Hark! I heard Melba's Jammin' > say:
> In article > , Dog3
> > wrote:

> (snip)
> > Now, what bothers me in some upscale restaurants here is the
> > suffocation of perfect service. A few months ago I went to an
> > acclaimed restaurant in St. Louis which my family has frequented for
> > years. I swear, if I even look like I'm pulling out a cigarette a
> > waiter shows up with a lighter to light it.

> You smoke? I'll bet your cardiologist loves that. "-)
> Story: Nice restaurant in Denver -- Le Profil -- waiters were standing
> around (not physically hovering and it must have been a not very busy
> evening), and every time I put my fork down, ours made a move to remove
> my plate. It made me nervous.

Funny, I'm just the opposite about that -- Hubby and I went to Ruth's
Chris Steak House in Seattle a couple of years ago:

I didn't get all that excited about the food (they cut their filets
too thick, IMHO), but the wait staff was top notch. When they weren't
actively waiting a table, they were watching the dining area, looking
for someone who might need something. I loved having my water refilled
repeatedly without having to ask. Though I guess the "plate removal"
thing Barb mentioned would get annoying after a while. I'd probably
start teasing the waiter -- you know, almost put the fork down, but
not quite; put it down them pick it up as soon as he walked over. No
wonder Dad says I'm evil... ;-)

j*ni p. ~ mom, gamer, novice cook ~ heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!