garnishing your plate
One time on Usenet, Wayne Boatwright <> said:
> Oh pshaw, on Sun 13 Aug 2006 11:47:05a, Goomba38 meant to say...
> > mob-barley wrote:
> >> what do some of you use to garnish with
> >>
> >> im sure everyone knows this, a sprig of parsley eaten after a meal acts
> >> like a breath mint. it's not just for looks.
> >>
> >> however! i would never put parsley on the same plate with lamb chops
> >> it's just tacky, I would never serve mint jelly with lamb chops! it's
> >> tacky
> >
> > I think Paprika as a garnish is tacky. Diff'strokes I guess?
> LOL! I guess. I like a very light dusting of paprika on potato salad or
> coleslaw. Otherwise, I only use it *in* cooking.
I'm with you, Wayne -- I took potato salad to Sibling's house
yesterday, and I garnished with sliced hard-cooked eggs (thanks
again, Nancy!) and paprika:
Potato Salad
6 medium potatos, boiled then cut into small cubes
1/2 small onion, chopped fine
6 hard boiled eggs, chopped
Sweet pickle, chopped
Salt & Pepper
Worcestershire Sauce
Yellow Mustard
Combine first three ingredients, mixing gently but
well with large spoon. Add sweet pickle to taste,
again stirring well. Dribble Worcestershire and
mustard once or twice around top of salad, sprinkle
with salt and pepper. Mix again, add mayonnaise by
large spoonfulls, mixing well to taste. Chill at
least 2 hours before serving, overnight is better.
I always put paprika on my devilled eggs too...
"Kthonian" is Jani in WA
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~