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mob-barley mob-barley is offline
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Default Sunday Morning Praise and Worship

nancree wrote:

> Well, most of us consider sacrificing animals (goats, calves, etc. ) to
> be cruel, I'm sure the animals would say so, if they could.

you're right, goats calves bulls doves lambs and so on

in fact, they slaughtered so many the priest doing the slaughtering
would come out witih his robes drenched in blood and they would ROAST
the beast as a burnt offering.

Christianity is a bloody religion.

>. There's
> lots of that in the Bible, including the guy who was ready to sacrifice
> his own son, until he was stopped at the last minute by a "holy voice".
> You can look it up--I'm too busy.

what do you mean "was ready to sacrifice his own son".. he DID!

It is a picture of Love, God sent his only son to die for everyone. And
we mangled him good too, so much that he was unrecognizeable, he was a
bloody pulp.

"No purple robe he wore his bleeding wounds to hide, but stripes on his
back he wore with pride"

You must have never read your bible, or you been listening to, to many
nut jobs.

as Mahalia Jackson might say

"Somebody come and tell nancree that Jesus died on the cross for

"He wrote his love in the crimson red, and wore the thorns upon his

you olllll' sinner!