Driven to Penzeys door
On Sun, 13 Aug 2006 16:48:45 -0500, notbob > wrote:
>What the sam Hell has happened to the spice market lately? I went
>down to the super to pick up some sage. Holy chrystonacrutch!
>...$5.75 for one of those itty-bitty half-bottles of McCormick's whole
>sage. That works out to $32oz!! That's freakin' insane. It also
>appears Mexicans have no use for sage, as even the best mex markets
>have none of the little $.99oz packets I usually buy. I may find
>something at an Indian store, but most of their spices typically look
>like they were harvesting sometime prior to the 4th century. Penzeys
>prices, by comparison, are a steal and even their shippings costs are
>quite reasonable. Looks like Penzey's has another customer.
notbob, email me privately and I'll send or you can pick up some fresh
sage. Depending upon where you live in this area, you can come by the
house and cut it yosef. My sage plant is in the front yard. It's
vintage 1989, and it's moved with me 4 times. Tell my neighbor across
the street that you know me or he'll shoot you. No, really ....
tdmcniff at ucdavis dot edu