Driven to Penzeys door
On Sun, 13 Aug 2006 18:25:39 -0500, notbob > wrote:
>On 2006-08-13, bizbee > wrote:
>> hit the nursery, you can probably pick up a 6" pot of sage for less
>> than that little bottle, and just take it home and harvest it.
>eggszactly what I was thinking, biz. I so need to get some kinda herb
>garden going, even if it's just a planter. I'm also sick of throwing
>out half a bunch of fridge-slimed cilantro cuz I burnt out on pico de
>gallo or fajitas half way through.
Sorry, this is my 3rd post to this thread! Another great suggestion.
I only grow (no parsley) sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano and basil. I
tried to grow parsley but haven't found the right spot for it yet. I
also want to grow mint again, but beware of mint! It's an invasive
little sucker!