bobmarley wrote:
Link doesn't work, ha-ha!
> is for LYN
> nobody ilse touch it
You have my email address. Why puke all over the group with this
Proselytization doesn't become you, Barry.
> I also felt led to share with Lyn, you will not find one suggestion in
> the good book that instructs mankind to be cruel or less than
> respectful to animals, nowhere.
"God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the
air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
-Genesis 1:26
Man's DOMINION over animals. In black and white. Putting man in
control over animals isn't any ethic I subscribe to.
> neither will you find God instructing man to usurp and abuse the earth
> in fact the Apostle Paul instructs early christains not to abuse the
> earth.
> That's fine if you don't believe in the Bible or a God above
> but in the past you have shown contempt
The only contemp I have shown is for self-proclaimed bible-thumping
idiots like yourself who wouldn't have an independant thought if it bit
you on the ass, but feel the need to run your mouth about your
religion, ad nauseum. If "Christians" - and I use that term lightly -
want respect, they need to keep their ****ing religion out of our
government. You want to tell me how great Christianity is? Fine. Go
ahead. Then you have to sit down and shut the **** up while I tell you
what's so ****ed up about it.
> and proved that you have never
> read the Bible about these things... just a little misconception I
> wanted to clear up.
> I could line this post with quotes on the subject of animals, but one
> quick search at any Bible web-site would do the same.
And you wonder why you are so hated...Thank God not all Christians are
obnoxious about it.