a bacon butty a bacon sarnie or The Ultimate Bacon Sandwich
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OT: Irony (was a bacon butty a bacon sarnie or The Ultimate Bacon Sandwich)
In article .com>,
> > [[[-"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
> > -- Jack Nicholson-]]]
> I Had to look-up Irony
> >From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
> Jump to: navigation, search
<snipped for brevity>
> Irony has some of its foundation in the onlooker's perception of
> paradox. In June 2005, the State of Virginia Employment Agency, which
> handles unemployment compensation, announced that they would lay off
> 400 employees for lack of work because unemployment is so low in the
> state. The reader's perception of a disconnection between common
> expectation, and the application of logic with an unexpected outcome,
> both has an element of irony in it and shows the connection between
> irony and humor, when the surprise startles us into laughter. Not all
> irony is humorous: "grim irony" and "stark irony" are familiar.
I learned to appreciate Ironic humor from the Brit's that post on
various lists..... ;-)
It's a unique form of humor and they seem to have a greater appreciation
for it than most Americans.
Hence the humor contained in the "Monty Python" movies is lost on many.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
-- Jack Nicholson
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