mob-barley wrote:
> what do some of you use to garnish with
> im sure everyone knows this, a sprig of parsley eaten after a meal acts
> like a breath mint. it's not just for looks.
> however! i would never put parsley on the same plate with lamb chops
> it's just tacky, I would never serve mint jelly with lamb chops! it's
> tacky
> while Im thinking abou it and even though its a condiment, I would
> never serve catsup with a good steak, it's tacky!
> here is a cool little garnish
> it's a beet rose
> theres a whole pile of them here, done up very nice
> if im cooking for real, i usually use a splash of paprika to garnish
> with
> (I don't do that when cooking for myself, I suppose I could)
Has anyone ever tried deep frying mint leaves? You don't need too much
oil, and it doesn't take long- 30 seconds or so. I've never eaten them,
but they last for days.We used to do sprigs, not just leaves.