> Sorry I wasn't clear enough, Cheryl. What I'm saying is if you want an
> Apricot Jalapeņo Jam, find a recipe for Apricot Jam (pectin packets have
> them using fresh aps) and add maybe 1/2 cup chopped jalapeņos to the aps
> when you're making the jam. Capisce? Sure, you can do it - no reason
> not to. I've made Peachy Pepper Jam that way and it was popular. I
> only use jalapeņos cuz I'm kinda of a wuss about some things, but if you
> want more heat, try some habaneros or other hotties. Did you check
> anything that the Chilihead (spelling?) site might have. I'd bet the
> rent they've got some recipes.
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> http://jamlady.eboard.com
Thanks, Barb! I did go ahead and make some this weekend with the BBB (new)
version which didn't call for any packaged pectin. I was a wuss and only
used 2 jalapenos finely diced since I didn't want to throttle folks, I just
wanted them to say "hmmm.... now what's that taste..." Next time I think
I'll try 4. It actually turned out very tasty - and a great apricot flavor.
The apricots I used were the ripest ones I've ever found in my area (without
them being bruised).
Where would we all be without cha?
Thanks again for your help!