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Melba's Jammin'[_1_] Melba's Jammin'[_1_] is offline
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Default Fresh Apricots instead of Dried in Jam/Jelly

In article >,
"clc" > wrote:
> wanted them to say "hmmm.... now what's that taste..." Next time I think
> I'll try 4. It actually turned out very tasty - and a great apricot flavor.
> The apricots I used were the ripest ones I've ever found in my area (without
> them being bruised).

Yeay on you!!! I'm envious of decent apricots.
> Where would we all be without cha?

Oh, I expect you'd be just fine ‹ and I thank you for your generous
words. It's nice to be appreciated. I was interviewed this afternoon
for a little story in the St. Paul Pioneer Press this weekend ‹ a
preview look at the Great Minnesota Get Together that starts on the
24th. I told the chap that it's very rewarding to know that I've helped
a couple people enjoy the art and science of jamming. Like you, Cheryl.
It tickles me to think I've been of value to you and maybe some others.
I've been putzing with a new website and software -- have a looksee
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ