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mob-barley mob-barley is offline
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Default Sunday Morning Praise and Worship

Food Snob wrote:
> God only kills the bad babies, right? Bad ox. Bad sheep. Bad camels
> and asses.

ok, you asked

here's the deal

im just going to lay it out... without qualifying anything

there was a time when any non-jewish human... meant nothing to God.

nothing... just pawns...

the only reason the gentiles ever had any value in God's eyes was to
provoke Israel to jealousy

Israel? yes, they were the apple of his eye, he chose them for his own

as for the rest? we were dogs.

someone can disagree all they want, but I don't sugar coat nothing

dumb gentile dogs we were

God would often through Israel run slam through the dogs by the edge of
the sword
none were left alive, they all had to go..

children, cattle, pets.. everything and burn what is left

people cannot understand this side of God, but you have to take into
and this is key... listen..

EVERYMAN none excluded has knowledge of God...

it's different today, we are on the winning side of calvary, the
winning side of Jesus death burial and ressurection..

we are no longer gentile heathen dogs, but we are sons and daughters

Christ is our brother

every man has the knowledge of God in him.. God made us that way.

it is undeniable and a self evident truth that God exists... he made us
that way.
one can conjure clever arguments, but deep down we know he exists.

so for the trail of blood God left behind? I find no fault in him for
I don't question his decisions...

WHO HAS A RIGHT TO LIFE? When God himself robed his glory in human
flesh, walked among us and died a cruel painful death.. who has a right
to life?"

Not me!

don't forget, God destroyed the entire earth with a flood...

why? because our pride and arrogance had reached the heavens, our
immorality had back built a stinch so bad that God actually regreted
having created us.


A gift had backfired on God

The gift of choice, free moral agents, free will agents

Yes! God regreted making man, He wishes that we was never born

but how can anyone consider God cruel when it was GOD (and Jesus was
God in the flesh) when God... himself became a man, he was born to die.
And blessed is the womb of her that bore that man child Jesus, who had
to also! let him go.. but he appeared to her after his death, Thank
God, for that was one greiving mother

God became man so that he would know first hand what it felt like to be
a man, He is a God that is touched with the feelings of our
infirmities.. we can ignore it all we want but the world is raging
right now. murder, child prostitution, tortures, famine, disease,
pestilence, earthquakes

ALL CREATION GROANS.. we suffer together...
America is so full of homeless and abused.

The gospel was mystery that even the angels did not even understand
(The part how God became a man)

Now for the fix we are in.. for the age we find ourselves in

there is a remedy, there is a solution
The blood of Jesus

some folk got what you call, fig leaf religion, it's one that does not
require any blood

do what you will, Im staying on a winning team..
he's proven himself when he died for me
I will understand it all better, by and by

and for the gentile dogs that he slaughtered?

I don't know.. maybe they are with him now
maybe he taught them the truth
and discovered wether they would choose him or not

but the thing you have to remember is.. and this is important

Man fell in the garden, we were severed from God

it had to be that God had to die for us..

The blood and fire of the old testament..? this is just a historical
of the prophecy of Christ coming to fruition, a child will be born and
he will
save his people from their sins.. I was not his people.. but he used me
to provoke Israel to jealousy

When our genealogist study the bloodlines of Christ, they find...
murderers, liars, theives, adulters, and so forth..
terrible crimes against humanity, incest.. and so on..

all hell tried to stop the plan of God towards man

it was never about man, it was about the plan of God to save men.

by whatever means neccessary, nothing must stop Christ from going to
the cross
otherwise.. what other plan was there?

you would have still been born, but you would have been subject to the
for he lives here too! and without Christ, we wouldn't stand a chance.

don't you know how wicked the heart of man is? we would have tried to
murder the devil even.. only that you can't quite get your hands on

it took the blood of Jesus to do away with an evil conscience and a
wicked heart

the devil is not to blame for murder.. WE DO MURDER murder is in the
heart of a man to do..

the devil rarely imposes his will on a human. rarely I say..

we steal, we lie, we fornicate, we cheat, we murder, we do witchcraft
it's in our heart to do these things.. we were born in it.

we oppress the poor.. not the devil...
we devour widows properties, not the devil
men rape and murder children.. not the devil
it's awful the things men will do..

so when we put the blame where blame is due, we can see ourselves for
who we really are, one can never get straightened out until they figure
out which way north is.

WHO HAS A RIGHT TO LIFE when ONE died for all.

My hat is off to God, he walked the walk, he paid the price, I would
have never died for someone like myself. Never.

He died for me when I was still shaking my fist in his face.

"I was there when they crucified our Lord
I held the scabbard as the soldier drew his sword
I threw the dice when they peirced his side
but I seen love conquer the great divide"

He answers to no man, he owes me nothing

I am guilty, but to whom much is forgiven there is much love.

You HAVE to ask yourself... WHO ARE YOU that he would die for you.