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Ranee Mueller
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Default Mother's Day Meals?

Since I know what I want to eat for Mother's Day (well, the day
before), I am making our picnic meal. We are going to a lilac festival
and having a picnic lunch there, then picking out some new lilacs for
our yard. Mother's Day will be spent in manual labor, putting them in
and clearing some more beds.

What I'm making:

Croissants with Raspberry Jam
Rosemary Raisin Focaccia with Toasted Pine Nuts
Prosciutto Bread
Watermelon Wedges
Tri-Color Pasta Salad with peas, kidney beans, red onions
Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake with Strawberries and Whipped Cream

We're bringing a mini champagne bottle for me and sparkling grape
juice for the kids and Rich.

What are you doing for your mom, wife, self?


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"The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of
heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man." Acts 17:24