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Phred Phred is offline
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Default Goat meat and Indian "mutton" curry

In article >, "Richard Green" > wrote:
>Phred asked:
>>> "What is a good [great?] recipe for Indian-style curried 'mutton'?"

>Phred, I spent a few months in India this year, met a few of the locals and
>chewed the fat about food literally and in general and had dinner in a few
>homes. Enjoyed "mutton"in various guises, from "lamburgers"at McDonalds
>(better than here"-) to various different curries. Some was goat, some was
>sheep - all was referred to as "mutton" - no disctiction made or understood,
>it appeared.

Thanks for your comments, Richard. [I once knew a "Richard Green", but
he'd be old enough to be retired or dead by now.]

I mostly ate in local cafes and Govt rest houses during several months
travelling in southern India. I didn't actually query the species I
was eating -- the "mutton" was usually just great anyway. :-)

However, as I saw many goats while driving through the countryside,
and I don't recall seeing any sheep, I have always assumed that
"mutton" was all goat. (And talking 20 years ago, if that's relevant.
Don't recall seeing any golden arches then -- even coke was being
marketed in an Indian version called "Thumbs Up" following a brawl
between Coca Cola and the Indian Govt over manufacturing which saw the
company effectively expelled from the country as I understood things.)

Cheers, Phred.
