If you HAD to choose.........
laurie wrote:
> "Sheldon" wrote:
> > >
> > To make up pizza dough (or any yeast dough) for home use your HANDS are
> > the best investment, and they're free, and require no counter space, no
> > electric, and clean up is a breeze.
> >
> > Did yoose gals know that kneading yeast doughs by hand is one of the
> > best bosom enhancing exercises there is... ten minutes a day of lift n'
> > seperate and you can throw away your wonder bra.
> >
> > Sheldon Pecs
> 2 things.
I should hope you have a pair.
> I have been making pizza with my HANDS for many years now. It works just
> fine.
I want to invest in a mixer or a food processor
Real estate is much better.
> for a variety of
> other reasons, and I sure as hell am not going to continue mixing with my
> hands if I don't need to. I have used my mother's 30 year old Cuisinart as
> well and it was much, much easier.
Easier than what... there is nothing a home style food proccessor can
do better and *faster* than a chefs knife... and as for stand mixers
everything else can be done with a decent hand mixer, that costs much
less and fits in a drawer.
> As for the bosom enhancing properties, my D's don't need them, but thanks
> for your concern.
You must be very young (by thirty those will flop over your navel), or
the silicone will need a rehab.