If you HAD to choose.........
Pete C. wrote:
> >
> I wouldn't be without my Hobart N-50 (commercial version of the
> Kitchenaid bowl lift model).
Very few people will want to opt for a for a home kitchen mixer that
costs in the realm of 2 Gs... and still it's not really appropriate for
true pizza dough. Hobart doesn't make a machine that's geared low
enough for true pizza dough until you get to their 30 quart model.
Hobart doesn't because no commercial establishment needs to make pizza
dough in 3 lb batches, which is about all the tiny bowl on an N-50 can
handle. For pizza dough in the 2-3 pie range nothing beats the dough
hooks at the ends of your arms, nothing!
Folks who claim they're making pizza dough with their KA mixers and FPs
are not, those machines can't handle true pizza dough, no way, no
how... and then when they say they "roll it out" is when I know they're
full of excretement, true pizza dough cannot be rolled[period]
Sheldon Gluten