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puerhpacific puerhpacific is offline
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Default Interesting Article (request mystery post clarification)

> [Michael]
> I don't understand your response to samarkand.
> Would you please explain. Thanks!
> Michael

Well, last year on our B.O. (Boobs Online) annual trip to Mcledo Ganj
we met with an extraordinary llama. He lived simply in his hermitage
and the peace seemed to radiate from him. Having come from a hectic
life as a sinner in a big city I couldn't help but ask:
"How too may I be a peaceful person?"
He replied, "One sure measure of a peaceful person is to listen to the
arguments of others, making sure it has no relevance to you personally,
then go around as many places as possible and spread rumours, gossip,
judgment and dissent about people you've never met." I then was
enlightened about the meaning of true peace.
As I was leaving he called out, "Oh yeah and don't forget to tell only
one side, snip out portions of the argument, and sprinkle in some
opinion for good measure. And it may be good to spread your rumours in
another country and in another language so the people who had an
argument won't know."
And still to this day, I can't help but recall what a peaceful monk he
was and how peaceful his advice was. Thus, even now I measure people's
attainment of peace by their ability to spread gossip, rumours and
dissent about arguments that they themselves declare were "personal".
In fact, this is my start. I don't know these magazine guys or the
gossip who started this thread, but here I am arguing and gossiping
about his hypocrisy. So you can see, I am on the path. How peaceful it
is to gossip!

Say, by the way, did you hear that Micahel Plant doesn't understand?