Interesting Article
Right- so you're saying that the majority of internet users are young,
muscular, and male, and tea drinking has nothing to do with it. Since
I've forgotten my source, I'll buy that. It would be an interesting
study, though. Toci
Studio271 wrote:
> Wait wait wait... A survey said this?...
> Sounds like an online survey; how many old grandmothers put themselves
> in an active enough position on the internet to present themselves as a
> large statistic compared to the average *active* interenet user (young
> males)?
> Keep in mind here, I'm not referring to stereotypes, I'm just saying
> that the context of such a survey is very important due to the context
> of the material in the question. :P
> -Dr3w
> toci wrote:
> > For what it's worth, tea surveys show that the typical tea drinker is
> > young, muscular, and male. So much for the stereotype of the Queen
> > having high tea with her female grandchildren. Toci
> > samarkand wrote: