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Cindy Fuller Cindy Fuller is offline
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Posts: 599
Default Driven to Penzeys door

In article >,
(TammyM) wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Aug 2006 18:25:39 -0500, notbob > wrote:
> >On 2006-08-13, bizbee > wrote:
> >
> >> hit the nursery, you can probably pick up a 6" pot of sage for less
> >> than that little bottle, and just take it home and harvest it.

> >
> >eggszactly what I was thinking, biz. I so need to get some kinda herb
> >garden going, even if it's just a planter. I'm also sick of throwing
> >out half a bunch of fridge-slimed cilantro cuz I burnt out on pico de
> >gallo or fajitas half way through.

> Sorry, this is my 3rd post to this thread! Another great suggestion.
> I only grow (no parsley) sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano and basil. I
> tried to grow parsley but haven't found the right spot for it yet. I
> also want to grow mint again, but beware of mint! It's an invasive
> little sucker!

I seem to have better luck growing herbs here (Seattle) than vegetables.
The basil is doing reasonably well. I've got a second crop ready to be
put in the ground. The parsley starters will go in the windowbox. The
oregano, mint, and thyme are going berserk this year. My tomatoes are
somewhat puny, but they taste good.


C.J. Fuller

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