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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Fresh Pasta - Not too difficult to make

kilikini, after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 17 Aug
2006, typed out:

> Andy, my aunt just got us a pasta maker, not the extruder machine
> kind, but the one with all the "frilly" attachments, hand-cranked,
> stainless thingy. May I hire you to show us how to use it? We're at a
> loss! :~)
> kili


I remember, you got that kit before the summer, sometime.

Between you and TFM® you two can't figure it out?!?

Google brand + model + instructions


Google brand + model + manual for instructions?!?

First, start your water boiling! Start your sauce on a low simmer.

My explaination was fairly universal. You start with the dial at #1, sit
the gob of doh over the opening and crank it through. Repeat 2 times
folding back 1/3 of the leading edge back to square off the leading edge.
Then dial the knob to #2 and fit the leading edge of the sheet into the
opening and crank it through. Shift into 3rd and repeat, shift into 4th
and repeat, shift to six or seven and repeat. Take the long flat sheet of
pasta and dust it with flour and drap it over the straight of a plastic
coat hanger half and half and hang the hanger on the string from one
kitchen cabinet to another while you dial the roller back to #1 and
repeat those processes.

When you've rolled out all the sheets, replace the roller with the cutter
attachment and feed each sheet back into the cutter and crank, gathering
up the spaghetti back so it hangs half and half onto the straight of the
coat hanger and hang it back up. Repeat with other sheets.

When the water is boiling, round up one end of the spaghetti on a hanger
in your hand and drag it off the hanger. Holding it over the pot, take a
scissor and cut the bottom 1/3 of the length, repeat with the 2nd 1/3 and
drop the final 1/3 left in your hand into the water. Repeat with
remaining sheets in quick succession and don't forget to keep laughing!

It only takes a minute or two to cook. Drain, pour into serving bowl, add
sauce, toss and serve and mangi!

That's how I do it, anyway.
