Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' >
> :
>> Huh. Let me know how you like it. :-) You lost me when I had to
>> make my own relish and it uses a whole freakin' bottle of ketchup.
>> Thanks. I think.
> I probably won't make it. I'm not big on ketchup and meatloaf, for
> me, needs to be quick, easy and tasty (which it seldom is). I'm not a
> big ketchup fan and usually use an onion or brown gravy to put on top
> of the loaf.
> Michael
I despise ketchup on meatloaf... but then, unlike Stan I don't like ketchup.
It just doesn't make sense to me. I do, however, use a little bit of
bottled cocktail sauce in the meatloaf mixture along with quick cooking
oats, rather than breadcrumbs, as a filler. My mother mis-understood my
directions once when I said add 1/4 cup of bottled cocktail sauce. She
added 1 cup of cocktail sauce and complained it was too mushy. UM, that's
not what I wrote, Mom! She went back and read the recipe again... ooops!
LOL Dad still said it tasted fine. Ohwhatever