"OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote in message

> In article <GXAFg.423460$Mn5.385264@pd7tw3no>,
> "~-x-y-~" > wrote:
> > > ARGHHHHHHHH the crab delight includes Cheeze Whiz and Miracle Whip.
> > the
> > > humanity.........
> >
> > That's *legal* to do with real crabmeat?
> > And how does the bread get "crispy" with cheeze whiz and mayo on it???
> <shudder>
> --
> Peace!
> Om
> "My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
> -- Jack Nicholson
I don't know how it gets "crispy" and I can't look at the recipe anymore.
My eyes, my eyes. I grew up in MD and this just makes me want to cry!