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The Bubbo The Bubbo is offline
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RJ wrote:

> Imagine a GREAT mustard being made in Boondock South Dakota.
> It'd be bought up by General Foods, production moved to
> an automated plant in Ohio... Chemists would work tirelessly
> on making it cheaper...brighter...sweeter....
> In a few years, if they didn't hit a million sales,
> they'd drop the product, and we'd never see it again.
> Sigh.....
> <rj>

That happens in Europe as well. Big business and capitalism are alive and well
over there.
AND great mustards, cheeses, breads and spoon art ARE being made in boondock
south dakota and in a million other tiny places across the US. The reason why
you haven't heard of them is because they are small and have a local
distributorship. The same way that most people in France probably can't get
that special Belgian sausage.

And if you wanted the special hand crafted mustard made 2000 miles from your
house to be sold at your local corner store the process would HAVE to become
automated in a factory. A half dozen yokels (and I mean that in the kindest
sense) can't keep up with national demand.

As for the big companies and their chemist making things cheaper, brighter and
sweeter, well that's the american catch-22 isn't it. It makes sense for a
company to produce exactly what the buying public will pay money for but
they've s programmed us to want cheaper and brighter and sweeter we just don;t
know to demand anything else so we keep buying it and confirm that they should
keep making it and we keep buying.

I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
by your mom's house.