Thread: Matzo brei
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Mordechai Housman Mordechai Housman is offline
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Posts: 233
Default Matzo brei

"Tara" > wrote in message
>I love everything bagels, so on impulse I grabbed a package of
> everything matzos when I walked past it at the grocery store. I don't
> love the matzos by themselves. I thought they might make a tasty
> matzo brei.
> I have never seen nor tasted, let alone made this dish. It sounds
> good, though, and I'd like to try it.
> Does anyone have any favorite recipes or tips? I think I would serve
> it with fruit and maybe a spinach salad as a light supper. Any
> other suggestions? Thanks in advance.
> Tara

I have made this MANY times. I happen to prefer it with the round
hand-made Passover matzah, but it's good with the regular kind also.

Here's my recipe. I'm sorry I can't do it professionally, like the more
experienced cooks and posters here, but her it is anyway:

My recipe is probably simpler than most peoples'. It's sort of like
French Toast.

You break up the matzah into pieces. Soak the matzah in water. When
soft, take it out, and drain it. Some people squeeze it a bit to get out
the excess water. I think it tastes better if you do that.

Soak the matzah pieces in egg. Get all the egged matzah into one gloop.

Salt and pepper to taste. Some people might add garlic powder, but
that's a rather new, American addition.

Pour into frying pan and fry it. I personally semi-deep-fry it in a
margarine/oil mix. I use a low flame, because I make mine thick and I
want the inside to get done as well.

Turn over when brown on the bottom and sides.

When done, remove and serve.

I hope I haven't forgotten anything.
