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Kent Kent is offline
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Default Does anyone have aqny good Pizza base recipes ?

"Grinner" > wrote in message
> I've been trying for years to make my own pizzas like you buy at the
> shops. Alas every recipe I've tried ends up too dry, no matter if I use
> baker's flour, wholemeal flour or rye flour, no change.
> Here's what I do . .
> Add a teaspoon of suger to a bowl with a 1/2 a cup of warm water, stir
> until sugar is dissolved.
> Add a small sachet of baker's yeast, set aside for ten minutes until it
> froths up.
> In a mixing bowl sift 1 - 1/2 cups of plain flour.
> Add enough water and a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, add
> yeast and mix into a dough and then kneed it, set it aside covered with a
> wet towel until it has well risen.
> Kneed it again then roll it onto a flat pizza baking tray.
> It never turns out like it's supposed to, no matter how I try.
> Is it because I only have a normal oven and not a pizza oven?
> Help someone.

For the dough use 1.25 cups liquid[milk + water, or water alone] to 3 cups
flour. Use all purpose dough. It Italy they use 00 flour, which has lower
gluten than all purpose, and a lot less than bread flour. Your dough should
be sticky and moist feeling. After the rising shape the pizza by stretching
the dough. Don't use a rolling pin. Slide the pizza round onto a floured
pizza peel[from local restaurant supply house] and top it. I use flour, not
corn meal.
Slide "topped" pizza onto a hot pizza stone. You must use the highest
temperature your oven will go, and heat the stone for 45 minutes. Spray
water into the oven, and again one minute later while baking.
Consider using a starter, or biga when you make dough, to flavor the crust.
Life will never be the same,

Kent, a certified pizza junkie