Insects in Pu-erh?
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Posts: 354
Insects in Pu-erh?
> I bought some pu-erh, and, just out of curiosity, decided to crack the
> cheapest cake in two halves. To my surprise, a little beetle-like
> insect emerged and then retreated back to the cake.
> Before contacting the vendor, I was wondering if this ever happened
> with any of you, and if it is likely that the insect somehow got into
> the cake in my house, since the steaming (it is a Shu cake) should have
> killed anything like this.
> Thanks,
> --k
Actually, many people see this as a good thing on the mainland. They
say that the bugs get in and make the cake better and that it can
account for the pu's age. We had a thread about this a long time ago;
you should search it.
Mike Petro also has something on his site about it.
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