Thread: Avocados
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Default Avocados

On Tue, 07 Oct 2003 16:28:46 GMT, Frogleg > wrote:

>On Tue, 07 Oct 2003 06:52:58 GMT, sf > wrote:
>>On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 20:14:34 +1300, Tigsnona
> wrote:
>>> lay out a couple of thin slices of smoked salmon,on a plate,
>>> and then a fanned-out avocado half. To do this, you destone the
>>> avocado and place one half flat side down on a cutting board. Slice
>>> thinly from the small end to the large, and then lifting carefully put
>>> onto the plate and fan it out. brush fresh lemon juice over the
>>> avocado. Grind black pepper over, and a little oily vinagrette and a
>>> wedge of lemon. Just heavenly! Garnish with parsley as well.

>>Would you please explain this again sloooowly? I love all
>>the ingredients, but I'm having a hard time picturing it.

>Seems simple to me. 1/2 avocado out of the shell. Place ex-pit side
>down. and slice horizontally 1/8" to 1/4" or whatever you can manage.
>Lift the sliced half onto a plate. Gently spread it out a bit so that
>the half is no longer a half-oval solid, but a series of thin slices
>-- a la a fanned-out strawberry. Dress and garnish as mentioned. Oh,
>jeez, I'm hungry.

Yes that's exactly it. I forgot to say to peel the avocado; I thought
that would be self-explanatory. I leave the stem-end intact and slice
as you describe down to about half an inch (or less if I can). The
fruit is then placed next to the smoked salmon (not on top of it) and

I first encountered this dish at a very posh restaurant and it seemed
so easy to copy that I have done it many times since when I have
dinner parties. It is not suitable for buffet - although I have
combined smoked salmon and avocado on thinly sliced ciabatta or french
bread and decorated with parsley sprigs and/or a dob of thick french
mayonnaise. Lots of freshly ground black pepper. Looks good on a
large plate to hand round - or on the buffet table.