Jade Oolong, now Bao Zhong
Michael Plant wrote:
> The vendor said 50%; at any rate, it was far darker
> and less subtle than the true green lovely version I've
> come to know and love. The leaves in question were
> not highly roasted.
> Michael
Hello Michael and guy out there,
My first "green Oolong" was jade oolong from tea treasures. Previously
I had monkey picked, and Ti kuan yin. All were new to me and all tasted
very different but very good. The unique taste of the jade I dont know
if it was green, or just flowery green but it showed me that all
oolongs are not alike . Wow what a revelation I had no idea what
diversity I getting into. Another , like you to me , a teacher, Brian
from DC told me about BaoZhong. It looked partially green and brown
with long slightly twisted leaves and was sweet and green and full of
flavor too.
Well I have come along way and have tasted many many oolongs and Jade
Oolong from that online merchant showed me there are many roads. Not to
mention the aged ones the darker ones the wuyi, anxi etc ect .Just
Taiwan has a variety that I hope to taste every one.
Bottom line for me, its what you like and what you are willing to pay
for it.
and like Michael says there is always a better cup of tea somewhere.
enjoying a cup of zhong shu hu A light and lovely oolong from taiwan.