Dominic T. wrote:
> I just know that we can get into more detail than needed at times and
> this can be daunting for a newcomer like the OP, I was just trying to
> keep it simple
No worries.
> - Dominic
I do appreciate it and I am reading on... The makaibari 2nd was better
than the makaibari
oolong. That was very disappointing. I am and oolong lover. Believe me
friends I always look for advice and make my own conclusions in the
end. I really loved that makai... my first..what a grand and elegant
cup it makes.
A friend gave me a sample of Sikkim Temi, Year??, but it was better
than any DJ's I had tasted before.
I better get on and get more before they run out!!!! (bothDJ and Temi..)