Konrad Scorciapino wrote:
> Thanks for the answers!
> I've checked all my cakes, and found the source of the infection: It
> was a stack from the six famous montains. The wrapping of all of them
> is damaged, three of them have lots of insects, and they are little
> beetles, not moths like the the poopoo puerh, which makes me suspect it
> is a bad infection. Or are all insects beneficial to the cakes?
> If so, do you think it is a good idea to put the infected cakes aside
> and wait for them to become something like Poo Poo Puer? The vendor is
> really nice, and I wouldn't like to ask replacement for half of my
> order :P
I would get them as far from the rest of your collection as possible.
The moth thing is legit, I have multiple references on that; however
beetles sounds like some sort of undesirable infestation. Dont let them
destroy your other teas.
In any event, does it really matter what the Asians prize? If you
don't care for it then get rid of it. Your perception is the only
that really counts.
This reminds of eating shrimp in Spain and Greece. The first time I
ordered shrimp over there they brought out these humongous fantastic
looking prawns that had been cooked whole, each of them easily several
ounces at least. I was in heaven and proceeded to take the heads off
and peel them before eating them. Everybody in the restaurant looked at
me like I was an alien from Mars or something. It turns out that they
consider the shrimp heads to be a delicacy over there and I was sitting
there throwing away the BEST part! Guess what, even after finding out
all of that, I never did eat a shrimp head......