"Hank" > wrote in message
> Last year over 9,000 American citizens died because of illegal aliens.
> Many were butchered by drunken hispanic drivers. The rest were
> murdered. But the President has simply refused to give the Border
> Patrol any significant assistance. Meantime, Bush and his cohorts, the
> cheap labor lobby and the get-the-vote whores pander to the hispanics.
> Is the American public too jaded to fight?
> will
> http://www.fairus.org/ Federated Americans for Immigration Reform
That "9,000" figure strikes me as highly dubious, considering the total
combined 2005 U.S. deaths from homicide and drunk driving was only a bit
under 17,000 each. If there was such an endemic problem where 26% of all
U.S. drunk driving deaths and homicides were perpetrated by less than 4% of
the population, it would have been all over the media, or at least all over
Fox News, and I assume you got this figure from _somewhere_ if you didn't
just pull it out of your ass, so please cite a source if you wish to be
taken seriously. I'm not saying your full of shit, since I don't know that
for a fact, but posts of this nature being bullshit seem to be par for the