In article <qDEGg.4671$W01.3178@dukeread08>,
Faux_Pseudo > wrote:
> _.-In, Melba's Jammin' wrote the following -._
> >> Does it really matter how the desserts were displayed?
> >
> > It does. :-P How am I going to uphold and protect my reputation as
> > Dead Spread Critic Weirdo if I doesn't comment on presentation? Really!
> After checking the link in your sig I couldn't help but think of a
> nice big coffee table book of food for the dead. Recipes and tomb
> stones.
I like it. Do we collaborate? You do the rocks and I do the spreads?
> While looking at the pictures in the link I was thinking that massive
> comfort foods would be at a funeral, not ham sandwiches. Where are
> the big ol' pots of stew, the potato dishes or cheese cakes that are
> so heavy that one spoonful or slice could cause the folding table to
> buckle under the load?
Those are things of the past. A sign of the times. I talked to my
pastor (suburban church) yesterday about it and the lack of 'real food'
at the Dead Spreads and he told me how hard it is to get anyone to
volunteer to SERVE the meal much less *prepare and donate* food for it.
I told him I wanted to be on the serving committee. :-) (My photo ops
are about to increase!!)
Working folks don't have time and not much inclination to make time for
such an occasion. I'd hoped that since this was a small town funeral,
things would be different. El Pastor pointed out that farm folk are
busy and maybe couldn't be bothered to do a serving plate thing -- one
more plate or dish to wash. On a more practical note (my own), if the
goods are still left in their baking pans, the donor gets the leftovers
when taking the pan home ‹ and no one on the service committee is
washing baking pans, either. We hope the church will find a use for
the lovely plate my brownies came on (I'm stocked up - it was a
warehouse sale). The newly departed wasn't one of their own, either,
and I kind of wondered if he had been if they'd've gone the extra steps
to fancy things up some. IdaKnow.
> camera, wild hair and a jeans and a T-Shirt. I can only assume that
> you are being invited so you have a leg up on me.
Oh, heck yes. I don't crash strangers' services or plantings. What?
You think I'm weird or something? <looks around suspiciously>
> [0]
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ