"Bean Fried Pork" > wrote in message
> "Hank" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Last year over 9,000 American citizens died because of illegal
>> aliens.
>> Many were butchered by drunken hispanic drivers. The rest were
>> murdered. But the President has simply refused to give the Border
>> Patrol any significant assistance. Meantime, Bush and his cohorts,
>> the
>> cheap labor lobby and the get-the-vote whores pander to the
>> hispanics.
>> Is the American public too jaded to fight?
>> will
>> http://www.fairus.org/ Federated Americans for Immigration Reform
> That "9,000" figure strikes me as highly dubious, considering the
> total combined 2005 U.S. deaths from homicide and drunk driving was
> only a bit under 17,000 each. If there was such an endemic problem
> where 26% of all U.S. drunk driving deaths and homicides were
> perpetrated by less than 4% of the population, it would have been all
> over the media, or at least all over Fox News, and I assume you got
> this figure from _somewhere_ if you didn't just pull it out of your
> ass, so please cite a source if you wish to be taken seriously. I'm
> not saying your full of shit, since I don't know that for a fact, but
> posts of this nature being bullshit seem to be par for the course.
So basically, what you're asking him is "if he didn't pull it out of his
ass, WHOSE ass did he pull it from?"