Thread: Lamb Chops
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Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] is offline
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Default Lamb Chops

Cotelettes champvallon

Take 10 cutlets, season and colour them quickly on both sides in butter.

Arrange them in a deep oven proof dish with 9 ounces sliced onions
lightly cooked in butter without colour. Moisten with enough boiling
hot white stock to almost cover the cutlets and onions; add a small
clove of crushed garlic and a bouquet garni, and place in a moderate
[350 F] oven.

After 20 minutes, cover neatly with 1 lb. 5 ounces potatoes cut into
cylinders and thinly sliced, season and complete the cooking in the oven
basting frequently with its cooking liquid.

When the cutlets are cooked the liquid should be almost completely reduced.

Cotelettes d'Agneau Mirecourt

Cut the cutlets very thin, season them and shallow fry very quickly in
very hot clarified butter.

Arrange them in a circle on a serving dish, sprinkle with a little fresh
squeezed lemon juice and the cooking butter after adding a pinch of
chopped parsley. Serve immediately.