an herbal tea that is tea-like in taste?
Hey, good luck in your chemo. I don't know but I remember seeing some
links that black puer is good for cancer treatment. Maybe Mike has
some links on his site. I guess I would do some research that all teas
across the board are bad for chemo. A weak cup of tea still taste
Ozzy wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've recently started a course of chemotherapy, and was told by a
> reputable alternative practicioner/MD that the ideal tea consumption is
> zero throughout the course, and for a few weeks after -- because the
> antioxidants for which *T. sinensis* is famous hamper the effectiveness
> of the chemo agents.
> So I'm looking for input as to an acceptable herbal mixture to try that
> has no antioxidants. Some caffiene would be a plus (yerba mate hax been
> nixed as having antioxidants galore), and if it could taste like any sort
> of real tea, that would be ideal - I don't want to go back to coffee for
> necessary caffiene.
> Is there anything remotely like that? I figure that this is the place to
> ask if anywhere is. Thanks.
> Ozzy