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Default Brown rice in the MW?

> Ken Knecht writes:
>>Donna Rose wrote:
>>> kenkknot writes:
>>> Can someone give me directions for making brown rice in the
>>> microwave? Or does the brand of rice cooker matter? My
>>> experiments did not work very well. The MW rice cooker
>>> works fine for white rice but has no directions for brown.

>> If you have a rice cooker, try cooking the brown rice in it,
>> using the liquid/rice ratio that appears on the rice
>> package. It's my understanding that the way they work is to
>> measure the amount of the moisture in the pot and to shut
>> off automatically when it's been evaporated. As it will
>> take longer for brown rice to cook, your cooker should
>> factor that additional cooking time in.
>> I'm sure someone will be along to correct me if I'm
>> mistaken.

>I fear that I used the wrong words to describe my rice cooking
>device. This is not a fancy electric cooker.

You said make rice in the microwave with a microwave rice cooker... you
couldn't have been clearer.

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