Posted to,soc.culture.japan,soc.culture.lebanon,soc.culture.korean
Japanese Smarter Than Americans, but Slaves Will Be Slaves
Red Khyna should disappear first.
Dr. bitter anko wrote:
> Which country do you think should disappear from this planet?
> 1: Iraq with the dictator Saddam Hussein.
> 2: The US with White Christian supremacists keeping the slavery and
> allowing the lynching of coloreds and racism.
> 3: Korea with the dictator Kim Jong-Il.
> 4: Iran with Muslim supremacists.
> Carb のメッセージ:
> > Yea, japs are the slaves that outsmart their master. But however smart
> > they are, slaves are slaves. Beggars can't be choosers. They are
> > forever the East Asian pariahs in the eyes of Americans, who tamed the
> > jap human beasts by A-bombing the shit out of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
> >
> > The pariah class has thousands of years' history in Japanese society.
> > But since the US beat the shit out of the japs and rendered them the
> > East Asian pariahs, the japs suddenly cancelled the pariah class
> > because all japs became pariahs, they don't have another term in
> > japanese to name those pariahs among pariahs. Hahahahahaha
> >
> > Mark Thorson 寫道:
> >
> > > It's true! Read about it in the Baltimore Sun:
> > >
> > >,6016623.story