Lots of Pepper?
Nonnymus > wrote:
> Jke wrote:
> > > schreef in bericht
> > [ . . . ]
> We have an 8" granite mortar and pestle that sits on the kitchen cabinet
> near the spices. I generally prepare my rubs in batches that might be
> used up over a month or two. I keep the mixed, prepared rub or
> seasoning in airtight containers and just take out what is needed for a
> specific meal.
> The trick is that I then put the rub into the mortar and grind it for a
> minute or so with the pestle before adding it to the meat or fish. For
> instance, I have a blackening spice blend I use on Salmon and another
> one on rib roasts. By grinding the preblended stuff in the mortar for a
> bit, the oils are freshly released and there is a definite improvement
> over using my blend right out of the container.
> The mortar wasn't that expensive and it sure makes a big different in
> the flavoring.
Jun has a granite mortar & pestle. as well as a fired clay mortar & wooden
pestle. I dunno which she uses for what? I keep my peppercorns in my
Turkish (Greek made) grinder. Delightful aroma when ya coarse grind it
right over yer food! ;-)
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