Candy Bars of the Past
Puester > wrote in message >...
> Meadowlands NJ wrote:
> >
> > >Anyone else have
> > >favorite candy bars which are now resting in peace?
> >
> > It's not a candy bar but Black Jack licorice gum was a favorite of mine. Also
> > the Teaberry gum I miss.
> >
> My daughter found some Teaberry gum and put it in with my
> Christmas gift last year. An old friend of the family
> had a house in the country in Massachusetts with real
> teaberries (exact same flavor as the gum) growing in the
> woods. They were a treat, but not as good as the wild
> raspberries there.
I found some Teaberry gum a few years ago, but to me it wasn't the
same. It was sweeter and lacked the slight bitterness that I liked. I
knew it the minute I put it in my mouth. My younger sister, though,
isists it's the same.
> gloria p