>Dave Smith wrote:
>> wrote:
>> > "Big Hunk". Used to get them in the theater in the early 1970's.
>> Something that I haven't seen in years in MacIntosh's toffee. It used to
>> come in a flat red package adorned with a tartan. It was so hard that
>> you had to smack against something hard to break it up into bt sized
>> pieces, though you couldn't possible bite a piece off. I am sure than
>> they were a big money make for dentists.
>Does anyone remember "BigPay"? Everyone thinks I'm remembering
>Payday. It was the cousin of PayDay which is still made. I think the
>last time I saw it was in the early '70s. I think I liked it better
>because it didn't stick to my teeth as much as Payday. (I tried a
>PayDay recently and didn't care for it). I can't find any reference to
>it anywhere.
>Also, "Ice Cubes", little squares of chocolate, milk or coffee
"Welch's Fudge Bar"
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."