Lots of Pepper?
On 26-Aug-2006, Steve Wertz > wrote:
> On 25 Aug 2006 11:54:58 -0700, Sheldon wrote:
> > Steve Wertz wrote:
> >
> >> A coffee grinder will grind a half cup of pepper in about 3
> >> seconds.
> >
> > Three seconds... methinks you exaggerate... even the best commercial
> > coffee grinders need about 20 seconds for a 1/2 cup.
> 5...6 seconds, tops. It's a Braun, if that helps.
> -sw
Alright, just for you guys, I went out to the kitchen and measured out
a half cup of beans into the coffee grinder. I started the grinder and my
stopwatch. One point five one seconds later, I had finely ground coffee.
Pictures on ABF. The grinder is a Mr. Coffee; very similar to the Braun
I used to have.
Brick(Inquiring minds just have to know)