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Ben Snyder[_1_] Ben Snyder[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 35
Default Introduction

Joseph Coulter wrote:
> Ben Snyder > wrote in news:Y8Odna7jqr-
> :
> Only had one Chard which I enjoyed, but it
>> was really, really good.>

> So Ben, from Vermont . .. B in l not named Jerry I trust. What was the
> Chard you liked? Things like that make knowing your palate much easier.
> Don't worry about the Rose it will probably have more fruit than most
> whites so you can always say, "Be happy, it could have been a pinot
> gris!"

I need to look in my notes to find the Chard. I believe it may have
been the Simi Reserve. It was from California, not overly buttery. Not
as sharp? as a French unoaked, though it wasn't dominated by vanilla.
Quite crisp with a very pronounced nose of mainly apple, granny smith or
similar green/yellow apple. Very slight biscuit/toast note in the nose
but not detectable on the palate. Bold flavor though, more than I come
to expect from a white.
Funny thing, most notes on this chard indicate peach, though I didn't
detect any.