Thread: dirty rice
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Wayne Boatwright[_1_] Wayne Boatwright[_1_] is offline
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Default dirty rice

Oh pshaw, on Sun 27 Aug 2006 02:59:56p, modom (palindrome guy) meant to

> On 27 Aug 2006 20:09:52 +0200, Wayne Boatwright
> <> wrote:
>>I don't really like liver altogether by itself. It must have onion, at
>>least, and depending on the preparation, other seasonings. I love
>>chopped liver and chopped chicken livers, liver (calve's or pork) and
>>onions with bacon, liver pate' of various ilk, and something that my
>>family used to make called "liver pudding" (like a coarse pate') which
>>was made of pork liver and pork shoulder, and seasoned with onion and
>>sage. Another dish I like is sauteed chicken livers with onions,
>>peppers, and fresh tomatoes.

> Wayne the liver pudding sounds a bit like pate de campagne, except for
> the sage. Do you know the history of the recipe? And could you share
> the recipe?

Yes, it is rather like that, but cooked differently. Growing up, I knew
nothing about paté, but later realized the similarity. Michael, I'll be
glad to post it, but I need to refer back to my mother's notes. I'll do
that quite soon.

> D's dislike for liver is easily overcome by her love all things
> French. In France I have seen her eat many a liver pate snack, not to
> mention fois gras. Hell, I even saw her eat boudin noir (blood
> sausage) once.

It's funny what people will eat given other factors. I find that true with
myself as well.

Wayne Boatwright

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