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OmManiPadmeOmelet[_5_] OmManiPadmeOmelet[_5_] is offline
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Default Why add oil to marinades?

In article >,
Mr Libido Incognito > wrote:

> I don't like the taste of evoo, so I use canola. When I marinate lamb I
> find the oil helps in the browning and crisps up the skin and also glues
> the spices to the surface of the roast, only useful later when meat is
> roasting. But doesn't aide in the actual transfer of flavours (during
> soaking times).

Makes sense, but I don't care for Canola personally. I find it makes
things taste "stale", but to each their own. :-)

I generally use grape seed oil for veggies I'm going to grill.

And I agree with the idea that oil helps any herbals stick to the item
in question.

I'm getting to really like the flavor of peanut oil. And since it's so
cheap, I think I need to try it for marinades......
It costs the same per _gallon_ as Olive or Grapeseed does per liter!
I'm paying $8.00 per gallon for peanut and currently only use it for
deep frying.

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