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Rodney Myrvaagnes
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Default Chilli questions

On Tue, 11 May 2004 17:24:27 +1000, "Nic" >

>Last years chilli's were great, no problems and consistent in taste.
>This year, Chilli's cold and tasteless one meal, to hot and bitey the other
>meal ?
>What gives ?

We have been getting our chilis from the Union Square Greenmarket for
perhaps 15 years. At first Blew Farm was the only source, and they had
an immense variety, even extending to three distinct strengths of
jalapeno. At that time, they were predictably as labeled.

Now we have more suppliers, and more varieties, including such things
as "Granadan Seasoning Peppers," which looked and tasted like scotch
bonnets, but with much gentler heat.

Unfortunately, bees intervene at pollenation time (at least I suppose
that is happening) and cross these strains in ways not planned for.

Now I can't predict what heat anything will contain. When I put a
chili in something, I start tasting it very soon, and yank the chili
before I think it is as hot as I want it.

Rodney Myrvaagnes J36 Gjo/a

Ask not with whom the buck stops . . .