Five-cheese Emmy dinner
Dunno what it is but when the big awards shows come
along I get into a wine-and-cheese mood. (Emmy/Oscar/Tony
only; the music and cable awards are a joke.)
The wine was a Toasted Head chardonnay; supermarket plonk
but very good supermarket plonk. The cheeses were a step
up, though:
Brie with champignons
English farmouse cheddar
A wonderfully buttery Stilton
Chevre with herbs of unknown composition
Idiazabal manchego
Not a clunker in the bunch. Spread the soft ones on some
freshly sliced baguette rounds, and used the harder ones
to top some wheaty crackers.
Had a bowl on the side with cornichons, fefferonis, and
sliced heirloom tomato (of an unknown cultivar).
Guessed right on about 60% of the awards. What can I
say, it's a gift.