Thread: Grocery Prices
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Edwin Pawlowski Edwin Pawlowski is offline
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Default Grocery Prices

"Blair P. Houghton" > wrote in message

> It's not our insistence. Demand doesn't drive prices
> the way you think it does. Supply always has the ability
> to control prices. In Wal-Mart's case, the junta is keeping
> them from having to pay decent wages or provide benefits.

There is supply, but often at a little higher price. I can go to my local
paint store and buy everything I need, but it will cost me about $5 a gallon
more for the quality paint versus the stuff WalMart has. I choose to pay
that, others don't. You have a choice.

> Is so. Happens all the time in small towns. Wal-mart
> brings in crappy quality and shit jobs and no security

And who makes the choice to go there? We do. If we (the collective "we")
did not empty our wallets in that big box store, they would go out of
business. There are no laws making you shop at a particualr store. Yes,
you may save 25¢ on that box of laundy detergent, but it is still available
at the same store that had it for the first part of your life before
WalMart. Your choice.

>>The customer that no longer go there puts them out of business, they those
>>people blame WalMart for the choice they made themselves.

> Uh-huh. The part about crappy quality and shit wages
> doesn't enter into it at all...

Right. Where did those people work before WalMart came to town? Sure, some
could not find anything else, but the other 90% can. If no one wanted to
work there, they would go someplace else. As long as people are willing to
work for shit wages, there is no incentive to pay more. If 100 people line
up for a $7 hour job, there is little reason to offer $10.

Too many people expect others to make their way in life for them. You have
to take responsibility for your own life and go out and find the better job,
be willing to pay a higher price at the local stores. No one is forced to
work at any job. All you have to do is walk out, or don't apply in the first

Read this

Then read this

It shows what a company can do when the management has the balls to say no
as opposed to sell at any cost.